Once the game launches, you’ll receive an account-bound avatar chest. Manufacturers like the major console manufacturers offering special Fortnite bundles of their products that usually contain skins and V-Bucks to increase selling. For more information about this PC to Console topic, you may visit the megathread on the Paladins subreddit: 2. Because of the success of Fortnite, the game now is available on almost any platform. You will be able to play this game at 4k native on Xbox Oe X. Although, you do need to remember that you can only get one of these skins. Paladins is F2P game very similar to Overwatch. However, if you really want one of these fancy avatars, it may be worth it, especially considering all the other rewards. These also cost around $100, depending on your region – which is quite steep. How to Get Platinum Founder’s Pack AvatarsĪs we can see, all of these Lost Ark Platinum Founders Pack Avatars look absolutely amazing! They’re also very easy to get, all you need to do is buy a Platinum Founder’s Pack. Click on Connections and then select Accounts Click on Connect for the account that you want to connect to your Epic account. Hover over your display name and click Account. Shadowhunter The Platinum Founder’s Pack Shadowhunter Avatar. Open Click on Sign-in in the top right corner and sign into your Epic Games account. Deathblade The Platinum Founder’s Pack Deathblade Avatar. Summoner The Platinum Founder’s Pack Summoner Avatar. Bard The Platinum Founder’s Pack Bard Avatar. Sharpshooter The Platinum Founder’s Pack Sharpshooter Avatar. Deadeye The Platinum Founder’s Pack Deadeye Avatar.
Gunslinger The Platinum Founder’s Pack Gunslinger Avatar. Artillerist The Platinum Founder’s Pack Artillerist Avatar. After that offer ended you could no longer copy progress. Hirez's main game Smite had a limited time offer to copy your PC account progress to the console account when Smite arrived on consoles. Im having a lot of fun playing Paladins on Switch seriously for the first time and Paladins might have a personal resurgence for me, especially if I get some friends to play with me (which will be more likely now with cross-play). Wardancer The Platinum Founder’s Pack Wardancer Avatar. Unless Paladins gets cross-platform play, you won't be able to share progress between platforms. Edit: I have cross-progression enabled and it feels so good. Striker The (expected) Platinum Founder’s Pack Striker Avatar. I first purchased it on the Xbox One S console, and since then, Ive poured over 200 hours into it, attaining the rank of platinum 3, and acquiring many great dlc operators, skins. Soulfist The (expected) Platinum Founder’s Pack Soulfist Avatar. First off, I want to say that I sincerely think that Rainbow Six Siege is one of the greatest video games that I have ever played. Scrapper The Platinum Founder’s Pack Scrapper Avatar. Paladin The Platinum Founder’s Pack Paladin Avatar. Gunlancer The Platinum Founder’s Pack Gunlancer Avatar. All Lost Ark Classes Platinum Founder’s Pack Avatars Berserker The Platinum Founder’s Pack Berserker Avatar.